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The monocrystalline high-efciency SR cells are sandwiched by two patented metallic grids. While the front grid is carefully tailored to optimize current harvesting, the one behind
the cell offers strong mechanical support. The grids essentially form a double shield, acting as a conductive reinforcement of the solar cell. Extreme crack and bend tolerance are
built in, enabling novel crystalline silicon architectures. A guaranty of high efciency and durability unmatched in exible solar panels.

SolbianFlex SR 186 L

  • Length (mm):1523

    Width (mm):683

    Thickness (mm):2

    Weight (kg):2.4

    Peak Power (Wp):186

    Rated Voltage (V):20.2

    Rated Current (A):9.2

    N° of Cells:36

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