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The SXX Series comes at the same size of SX panels but generates signicantly more power, thanks to its silicon-based heterojunction (HJT) solar cells which offer more than 24%
efciency. When compared with conventional panels of the same nominal power, SXX can harvest more energy due to HJT cells being bifacial, an important feature especially when
panels are encapsulated in a transparent sandwich and installed with their backside (which can reach an additional 80% of the indicated front power) exposed to indirect light. In
addition, HJT cells perform better than others in hot climates, thanks to very low temperature coefcients. SXX should only be used in applications with low mechanical loads.

SolbianFlex SXX 194 G*

  • Length (mm):1046

    Width (mm):996

    Thickness (mm):2

    Weight (kg):2.4

    Peak Power (Wp):194

    Rated Voltage (V):22.6

    Rated Current (A):8.6

    N° of Cells:36

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