The monocrystalline SX cells are electrically connected using ultra-thin copper wires which form a very ne mesh on the cell surface, resulting in thousands of contact points. This
alternative to the standard bus-bar method allows a higher module power and increases the energy yield. A technology optimally suited for exible modules, due to its intrinsic
insensitivity to micro-cracks, which are the most common cause of energy loss in solar panels. Another advantage is reduced sensitivity to shading, pushed to the extreme with the
Guardian (G) Models where additional bypass diodes can be inserted thanks to an innovative cell layout. layout. This new connection technology together with the use of highly
efcient silicon cells make SX panels a great choice in applications without high mechanical load.
SolbianFlex SX 236
Length (mm):1364
Width (mm):996
Thickness (mm):2
Weight (kg):3
Peak Power (Wp):236
Rated Voltage (V):25.9
Rated Current (A):9.1
N° of Cells:48